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C of E Primary School

"Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."  (Philippians 2:4)

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Year 3 Pupil Voice

With the new school year well under way it's time to find out how our Year 3 pupils have adapted to the changes they have experienced since the end of the summer when they moved up to the Junior site after being based at our Infant site in Kings Road for the past 3 years.

Dev, from 3 Potter class, said the biggest change he'd experienced since leaving the Infant site to come to the Junior site is that there's so many more people in the building. "There's so many children at the Juniors that it's easy to make new friends, especially with children from other year groups," he enthused. "However, it's difficult to remember everyone's name. To be honest, I don't even know every teacher's name!"

Alexia, also from Potter class, commented, "The biggest change for me is the subjects - there is so much more to be learnt. For instance, in maths the times table and division work is much more demanding. I get along with maths fine but the maths challenge questions are really tough and really make me have to think."

Oliver, from 3 Bowie class, misses his Year 2 teacher, Mr Blake, very much but is enjoying school under the watchful eye of Mrs McMurray. "It seems a bit stricter at the Juniors but the staff are okay and are particularly helpful to pupils who are struggling with their work."

Oliver's classmate, Layna, loves the breaktimes at the Juniors saying, "The playgrounds are much bigger and have much more equipment and resources than the Infants. I really like playing on the boat, the climbing wall and the tyre park."

Whilst our four Year 3 pupils miss life at the Infants it's clear they are finding their feet at the Juniors and are settling into their new environment nicely.



Chingford CofE Primary School

Kings Road

London, E4 7EY

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