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C of E Primary School

"Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."  (Philippians 2:4)

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On Wednesday 11th October, Year 6 visited The British Museum on an amazing school trip! Due to the fact that they were learning about The Kingdom of Benin, the main exhibit that they went to see was the history of Benin which included lots of ancient artefacts that they have studied.

This included many statues of animals that the historic community tamed; the different clothing styles (stitch work, dresses and robes) and sculpted heads of their rulers – Obas – that they worshiped.

Pupil Lois commented, “The Benin clothing was very different to what Victorian Britain used to wear!”

Another student – Hasan – stated, “I enjoyed observing the culture and bronzes that they created so long ago.”

After exploring The African Kingdom, Year 6 journeyed to the Egyptian exhibit and saw the wrapped mummies and the famous Rosetta Stone that helped uncover the truth behind the mysterious language of hieroglyphics!

“In my opinion, the Rosetta Stone was very fascinating and much larger than I thought!” said Rocco.

“I thought the encased mummies were really strange but intriguing!” India added.

Before leaving, the two classes went to the Greek exhibit to see the well-known Elgin Marbles and many other sculptures of the gods and mythological creatures that they had studied the year before.

Overall, Year 6 enjoyed the museum – not so much the journey, though – and were eager to explore more! 


Chingford CofE Primary School

Kings Road

London, E4 7EY

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