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C of E Primary School

"Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."  (Philippians 2:4)

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  • 29.04.22

    Fri 29 Apr 2022
  • Year 1 student follows Year 6 pupil's fundraising efforts

    Thu 28 Apr 2022

    Year 1 pupil, Ana, has been so inspired by a Year 6 pupil's fundraising efforts during the month of Ramadan that she has begun raising money for charity.

    On hearing about Year 6 pupil Zaavier's support for a mental health charity for children during assembly one morning, Ana was so impressed that she has turned her attention to help the Orphans in Need charity. Ana has been baking cakes for friends and family after school to raise money and has also set up a GoFundMe page:



    More information about Orphans In Need: Orphans in Need believe that every child everywhere has the right to a happy and healthy life. We are a UK based organisation, supporting over 30, 000 orphans and their families 1n 14 countries. We support those who cannot provide for themselves, delivering sustainable, long term solutions to those in need. We offer food parcels, cover fees for education and healthcare and support orphanages abroad.



  • Able Maths Day

    Tue 26 Apr 2022

    The school continued its hosting of workshops for local schools with its invite to talented Year 5 mathematicians from Handsworth Primary and St Marys RC Primary who teamed up with selected pupils from Bronte and Hawking classes for an Able Maths Day held in the Junior hall. The sessions were led by Pete Hall.

    Pete was seconded to the National Numeracy Strategy for three years. He was the Senior Regional Coordinator for the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM).

    As a freelance Consultant Pete has supported many Local Authorities, academies and schools. As an author, he has had many books published, notably a series on problem solving for KS1 and KS2. He has also produced online materials for a range of companies.

    Year 5 pupil Millie who attended the workshop said, "It was really great working with pupils from other schools. The maths activities were fun and interesting."

  • Year 6 Pupil Zaavier raises money for charity during Ramadan

    Mon 25 Apr 2022
    During this month of Ramadan,  another of the school's courageous advocates, Zaavier from Year 6, has been fundraising for a children's mental health charity called 'Supporting Humanity'. 
    Last year Zaavier hit the headlines when he helped raise over £5000 for a food poverty charity by cooking at different restaurants and houses. This year, instead of working alone, Zaavier has a team of 15 children aged from 5 -12 years old working with him across locations in London and the local area.
    Zaavier's team of cooks, dubbed the Ramadan kids, have received widespread news coverage including the following article from the website:
    Zaavier, who himself is fasting at the moment, commented, "I'm having a great time going to all these different locations cooking food such as nanza which is like pizza made with nan bread. The most prestigious restaurant I've cooked in is Saffron Street in Gants Hill which has been a great experience.
    I've also teamed up with a well-known Instagrammer and TV chef called, Parveen, to do some cooking with. The most important thing though, is that I'm helping people and bringing awareness to the issue of children's mental health."
  • 22.04.22

    Fri 22 Apr 2022
  • 'Keep Our Kids Safe!' Campaign Update

    Thu 21 Apr 2022

    It all began when Stan, our much loved lollipop man, retired on 5th April 2019 after serving the school and local community for 21 years. Upon Stan's retirement, the school was informed that the London Borough of Waltham Forest had taken the decision to stop funding Crossing Patrols saying we had to fund a replacement for Stan from our own budget - something the school considered unfair and dangerous to pedestrian safety considering how busy this stretch of Kings Road can often be and how often our pupils and staff use it.


    What followed has been a 3 year campaign called 'Keep Our Kids Safe!' involving pupils, parents, staff, governors and members of the wider community in a bid to improve road safety outside both school sites. Initially the campaign focussed on improving the safety of the zebra crossing on Kings Road which is used throughout the day as pupils and staff travel backwards and forwards between the two sites. However, the campaign diversified to also tackle the problem of inconsiderate driving and parking by a minority of motorists, particularly at school drop-off and pick-up times.


    As well as an online petition requesting the council took action to improve road safety on Kings Road, the campaign also saw a protest outside the Infant site featuring a steel band from Heathcote Secondary School plus the presence of local politicians including Chingford's MP, Sir Iain Duncan Smith.


    Throughout the campaign our pupils played a significant role in attempting to gain support to improve road safety outside the school's Infant and Junior sites. A team of 'Traffic Ambassadors' was established who frequently patrolled outside the school under the supervision of staff and parents trying to persuade road users to park and drive safely.


    Year 5 pupils worked with police officers to monitor drivers' speed along Kings Road and even got to use the speed guns themselves! Pupils also made lollipop crossing signs complete with slogans referring to speeding such as 'Twenty is Plenty!' and 'Thirty is Dirty!' which were displayed outside the Infant site facing the zebra crossing.


    Inevitably the 'Keep Our Kids Safe!' caught the attention of the local press and articles appeared online and in newspapers. However, the appearance of cameras and a news team from ITN  really took our breath away. It was fantastic to see some of our Traffic Ambassadors being interviewed  about road safety outside the school on the 6 o'clock regional news programme one evening!


    The impact of the 'Keep Our Kids Safe!' campaign has been extraordinary culminating in the installation of a controlled crossing on Kings Road which came into operation yesterday. Other road safety improvements include a speed limit reduction outside the school to 20 mph and refreshed zig-zag line markings. The school has also gained recognition from the UK Parliament for the campaign receiving a highly commended certificate in the 'School of the Year' Awards in recognition of its work in encouraging children to participate in social action projects. 


    However, perhaps the greatest impact has been upon our pupils who have seen first hand that social action can bring about positive change and that they can play a part in bringing change to their local community and even the world. 


    There is still work to be done despite the campaign's successes. Although the behaviour of some motorists during drop-off and pick-up time is not as bad as it was, there is still room for improvement. Watch this space!


Chingford CofE Primary School

Kings Road

London, E4 7EY

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