Contact Details
Chingford Church of England Primary School
Infant Site (Main Site) Junior Site
Kings Road Cambridge Road
London London
E4 7EY E4 7BP
Telephone: 020 8529 7601
Infant After School Club Number 020 8529 7601 ext 109 (can be contacted between 3.30pm and 6pm)
Junior After School Club Number 020 8529 7601 ext 209 (can be contacted between 3.30pm and 6pm)
Enquires will be dealt with by Miss Francis or Miss Sinclair in the first instance.
If you require paper copies of the school's documents please contact the school office.
DfE Number: 320/3001
URN: 103084
Headteacher: Ms Lampard Chair of Governors: Mr House
Deputy Headteacher and DSL : Miss Bruford Vice Chair of Governors: Mrs Harris
SENDCO: Mrs King (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday am)
Designated teacher for P/LAC: Mrs Nicholaou