The Governors of the school are a representative group of people who are appointed to be responsible for various aspects of the school; these have included overseeing the financial administration of the school, curriculum issues, personnel and sites and buildings. Their work is conducted through half termly meetings, with sub committees and occasional working parties. The Head Teacher of the school presents frequent written reports and strives to ensure that Governors are kept fully informed of the school work, changes in educational practice and the law, in order that they can effectively carry out their responsibilities.
The Governing Body is made up of representatives from the Church (Foundation governors), parents (Parent Governors), staff (Staff Governors) and the community (Co-opted Governors). Foundation governors are elected by the Parochial Church Council from its electoral roll; Parent governors are elected by ballots of parents of children at the school; Staff Governors volunteer and are elected by their colleagues and Co-opted governors are appointed by the Governing Bodies. Governing boards may chose to have associate governors, who attend meetings and offer advice and suggestions or expertise in a particular fied but do not have voting rights.
Sub Committees
There are two permanent sub-committees, one for financial and premises matters known as the Operations committee . The other one is the Curriculum Committee that examines in detail the teaching and learning and pastoral support for children in our school. Other sub-committees re called as required to look at particular aspects of school life in detail. Each committee has Terms of Reference, which set out the responsibilities and the amount of decision-making authority they hold. In addition individual Governors have responsibility for developing their expertise and understanding of the role of particular issues in school. There are named Link Governors with responsibility for:
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Child Protection/Safeguarding
- Training
Governor Visits
School governors provide support and direction to our school and bring together views from the Parish Church, school staff, parents, the Local Authority and the local community. In full governing body meetings each half-term and sub- committees each half term covering personnel, curriculum, premises or finance, the twelve governors consider all matters affecting our school. These range from government legislation or local authority initiatives, development and review of school policies, maintenance or improvement of our buildings, to budget monitoring and staffing.
Who's Who
The current Governing Body is a board of 12 members who represent different parts of the school community and who all bring different skills to the task of leading this very good school forward. The Governing Body consists of:
- 3 Parent Governors who are voted onto the Governing Body by the parents/carers of children who attend the school. Parent Governors play an important role in shaping the education and experience of their children at the school.
- 2 Staff Governors one of whom is the headteacher. The other Staff Governor is elected by the staff team. Staff Governors represent the views of the staff at the school at Governing Body meetings.
- 3 Foundation Governors who are appointed as follows: 1 by the Diocesan Board of Education, 1 by the Parochial Church Council of St Peter and Paul, Chingford and 1 Ex-Officio, who is the Rector of St Peter and Paul, Chingford. Recognising its historic foundation, the Foundation Governors help the school to preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England.
- 3 Co-opted Governors these are appointed as a governor by the Governing Body as they have, in the opinion of the governing body, the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
- 1 Local Authority Governor these are nominated by the Local Authority (LA). They serve as a link between the LA and the school but aren't political appointees.
Each term of office lasts 4 years with the exception of the Headteacher and the Ex-officio foundation governors.
Below is a brief introduction from each governor:
Graham House - Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor
I currently have 2 children in a local secondary school. They both attended CCofE for primary school. I am a volunteer STEM ambassador with 20 years industry experience in software development and have a keen interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as well as a BSc in Physics and an MSc in science and technology studies. As such I am keen to ensure that that in my role as governor I advocate that the school:
- engage and enthuse young people about STEM;
Give teachers a unique perspective on how the STEM curriculum can be demonstrated in the world of work;
Encourage young people to consider STEM careers and qualifications;
Contribute to improved academic achievement in STEM subjects;
Develop other employability skills in young people, including confidence, team-work, presentation and creativity;
Victoria Harris - Vice Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor
I have 2 children at the school, my youngest is in Y2 and my eldest is in Y5. I am passionate about education and am keen to support the school to continue to be successful and strive to continually improve.
In my professional life, I am a solicitor who specialises in employment law for charities and schools. My experience of management issues and financial oversight, helps the school determine both its strategic direction and ensure clarity of its vision and ethos. I want to support the school in its drive to enrich the lives of all the children who attend there.
Ella Williams - Parent Governor
I am the proud mother of three boys, two of which attend C of E in year 3 and year 1, my last boy will be joining in September 2025.
I have over 20 years working experience with children and young people. I have worked in many primary schools as a specialist teaching assistant and managed Youth provisions for disaffected young people. My personal passion has always been to promote inclusion and supporting children and young people to have high aspirations and reach their personal best.
In my professional life, I currently manage a local Out of School Club. Here I am privileged to be chosen to care for many local children which also means I get to know many of the local families.
I was delighted to have been voted in as parent governors and I hope to bring my knowledge and understanding both personally and professionally to Chingford Church of England Primary School. I also look forward to my learning journey as I take on the role as one of the Governors.
Madeleine Durrant - Parent Governor
I am a parent governor and have two daughters currently in the junior cohort. I am a qualified secondary English teacher having taught in London schools and been a Head of Year and safeguarding lead. As such, I am delighted to be using this experience to support the school and community with a passion for curriculum design and pastoral care. I now work as a diversity and inclusion consultant, with a specialist focus on helping schools develop equity plans that help to address the inequalities in education which are perpetuated by deprivation and factors such as race. It is a privilege to be able to work with the governing body and the CCofE staff to ensure the school strives for the best outcomes for our children.
Saffron Hillier - Safeguarding Link Governor
I am a Co-opted Governor. My reason for applying for the role of co-opted governor is that as a local resident (I live on Station Road) I was looking for ways I could be contribute to my local community. I have worked for Barclays Bank for 27 years and my current role is in Corporate Banking in the Chief Risk Office looking after Prudential Risk. I am an independent person with a community, financial and risk background who likes to challenge the status quo and look for efficiencies. I sit on the Operations committees. I have a passion for football and I am the Ryan FC child welfare officer. The school promises to the children are what attracted me to apply to serve on this Governing Body in particular.
Our Promises:
- You will know what it feels like to be good at something and have achieved your very best
You will love learning new things and want to keep on learning more
You will understand just how incredible you are, believe in yourself and have confidence in your abilities
You will have grown healthy and strong and understand how to look after your body
You will have known friendship and learned how to get along well with other people
You will feel part of your local community and proud of your school
Vacancy - LA Governor
Debbie Torrie - Foundation Governor
I am a Foundation Governor and I was appointed by by the Parochial Church Council of St Peter and Paul, Chingford. My two sons attended CCofE Primary and loved their time there. My role helps to strengthen the link between the parish church and the school and I am proud to help the school grow and flourish keeping its mission statement close to all they do, "Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."(Philippians 2:4)
Vacancy - Foundation Governor
Anne Clayden - Foundation Governor
I was a teacher for more than thirty years and, having recently retired from teaching, I am keen to use my experience in education to work with the CC of E staff in providing the best possible education for all the children. I was a parent governor at my children’s school and enjoy the challenge and teamwork involved in being a governor. I am an active member of the church of SS Peter and Paul and All Saints’ and secretary of the PCC. I’m excited to be able play a part in maintaining and developing the church’s links with the school and help uphold the school’s Christian vision and ethos.
Lindsey Lampard - Headteacher
I have been a headteacher at CCofE Primary School since January 2013 and I love my job! I am proud of each and every one of the children who come to this school and will settle for nothing but the very best for them and their families. I enjoy working closely with the school's ambitious and forward thinking Governing Body to ensure that CCofE keeps on getting better.
Charlotte Shah - Staff Governor
My position on the Governing body will ensure that I will represent the CCofE staff and that they are informed about issues being discussed by Governors. I look forward to working closely with the Governing Body to ensure that CCofE keeps on improving.
What do we do?
As governors we make collective decisions as part of the Governing Body. Our main purpose is to help raise the educational standards and performance of CCofE by supporting the work of the Headteacher and school staff. Recognising its historic foundation we work to ensure that the school will preserve and develop its religious character ensuring that it promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils. We ensure that the school runs effectively, that quality teaching and learning is happening across the school, that the budget is spent wisely and that CCofE provides good value for money.
We make strategic decisions on how the school is run and are answerable to parents, the wider community and most importantly the children who attend CCofE. We govern rather than manage, giving direction and focus. The management of the school remains the responsibility of the Headteacher. We are responsible for:
- Appointing Headteachers and Deputy Headteachers and ensuring the implementation of a range of HR procedures
- Managing the school's budget
- Determining aims, policies and priorities for CCofE Primary
- Monitoring and evaluating the work of the school and setting targets
- Ensuring high levels of attendance and good standards of pupil behaviour
- Ensuring that all children in the schools have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, suitable to age, aptitude and ability, which prepares them for adult life
- Ensuring the health and safety of pupils and staff
We meet at least once every half term. In addition to these full Governing Body meetings our sub-committees also meet half termly.
If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please contact the Chair of governors via the school office or
Hard copies of Governor Minutes are available on request from the school office.
Governor Attendance
Expectations of Governing Body
Governor Meetings
The timetable of Full Governor meetings are advertised at the start of each academic year. If you wish have copies of the minutes of any governors' meetings, please request them via the school email address, or at either front office. Parents/carers may observe full governors' meetings with prior notification to the Headteacher that they wish to attend.