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C of E Primary School

"Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."  (Philippians 2:4)

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Progression Map

Primary Geography Progression Map



Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Geographical enquiry

Know that there are different countries in the world and talk about the differences they have experienced or seen in photos.


Explore the world around them.


Understand the effect of changing seasons on the natural world around them.

Teacher led enquiries, to ask and respond to simple closed questions.

Use information books/pictures as sources of information.

Investigate their surroundings

Make observations about where things are e.g. within school or local area.

Children encouraged to ask simple geographical questions; Where is it? What's it like?

Use books, stories, maps, pictures/photos and internet as sources of information.

Investigate their surroundings

Make appropriate observations about why things happen.

Make simple comparisons between features of different places.

Begin to ask/initiate

geographical questions.

Use NF books, stories, atlases,

pictures/photos and internet as

sources of information.

Investigate places and themes

at more than one scale

Begin to collect and record evidence.

Analyse evidence and begin to

draw conclusions e.g. make

comparisons between two

locations using photos/ pictures,

temperatures in different locations.

Ask and respond to questions and offer their own ideas. Extend to satellite images, aerial photographs Investigate places and themes at more than one scale Collect and record evidence with some aid

Analyse evidence and draw conclusions e.g. make comparisons between locations photos/pictures/ maps

Begin to suggest questions for investigating.

Begin to use primary and secondary sources of evidence in their investigations.  Investigate places with more emphasis on the larger scale; contrasting and distant places. Collect and record evidence unaided.

Analyse evidence and draw conclusions e.g. compare historical maps of varying scales e.g. temperature of various locations - influence on people/everyday life

Suggest questions for investigating.

Use primary and secondary sources of evidence in their investigations.  Investigate places with more emphasis on the larger scale; contrasting and distant places.

Collect and record evidence unaided. Analyse evidence and draw conclusions e.g. from field work data on land use comparing land use/temperature, look at patterns and explain reasons behind it.


Follow directions (Up, down, forwards/backwards)

Follow directions (Up, down, left/right, forwards/backwards)

Follow directions (as Y1 and include NSEW)

Use 4 compass points to follow/give directions:

Use letter/no. co-ordinates to locate features on a map.

Use 4 compass points well:

Begin to use 8 compass points;

Use letter/no. co-ordinates to locate features on a map confidently.

Use 8 compass points; Begin to use 4 figure co-ordinates to locate features on a map.

Use 8 compass points confidently and accurately;

Use 4 figure co-ordinates confidently to locate features on a map.

Begin to use 6 figure grid refs; use latitude and longitude on atlas maps

Drawing maps

Google map – what has seen one? Can we see the school? Lets trace the route to the nature reserve.


Draw picture maps of imaginary places and from stories.

Draw a map of a real or imaginary place. (e.g. add detail to a sketch map from aerial photograph)

To make a map of a short route experienced, with features in correct order;

To make a simple scale drawing.

Make a map of a short route experienced, with features in correct order;

Make a simple scale drawing.

Begin to draw a variety of thematic maps based on their own data.

Draw a variety of thematic maps based on their own data. Begin to draw plans of increasing complexity.


Use own symbols and pictures on imaginary and experienced maps of a trip.

Use own symbols on imaginary map.

Begin to understand the need for a key.  Use class agreed symbols to make a simple key.

Know why a key is needed.

Use standard symbols

Know why a key is needed.

Begin to recognise symbols on an OS map.

Draw a sketch map using symbols and a key; Use/recognise OS map symbols.

Use/recognise OS map symbols;

Use atlas symbols.

Using maps

Looking at a storybook map (discuss what they think it might be)


Use a simple picture map to move around the school;

Recognise that it is about a place.

Follow a route on a map.

Use a plan view. 

Use an infant atlas to locate places.

Locate places on larger scale maps e.g. map of Europe. Follow a route on a map with some accuracy. (e.g. whilst orienteering)

Locate places on large scale maps, (e.g. Find UK or India on globe). Follow a route on a large scale map

Compare maps with aerial photographs.  Select a map for a specific purpose. (E.g. Pick atlas to find Taiwan, OS map to find local village.)

Begin to use atlases to find out about other features of places. (e.g. find wettest part of the world)

Follow a short route on an OS map. Describe features shown on OS map.  Locate places on a world map.

Use atlases to find out about other features of places. (e.g. mountain regions, weather patterns).

Map knowledge

Look at a map of the nature reserve (familiar) can they recognise?

Satellite map with school and nature reserve on (birds eye view).


Learn names of some places within/around the UK. E.g. Home town, cities, countries e.g. Wales, France.

Use picture maps and globes.

Locate and name on UK map major features e.g. London, River Thames, home location, seas.

Find land/sea on globe.

Use teacher drawn base maps.

Use large scale OS maps.

Use an infant atlas

Begin to identify points on maps A, B and C.

Use large scale OS maps.

Begin to use map sites on internet.  Begin to use junior atlases.

Begin to identify features on aerial/oblique photographs.

Begin to identify significant places and environments.

Use large and medium scale OS maps.

Use junior atlases.

Use map sites on internet.

Identify features on aerial/oblique photographs.

Identify significant places and environments.

Use index and contents page within atlases.

Use medium scale land ranger OS maps

Confidently identify significant places and environments.

Use OS maps. Confidently use an atlas.

Recognise world map as a flattened globe



Chingford CofE Primary School

Kings Road

London, E4 7EY

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