Progression map
| Autumn term | Spring term | Summer term |
Year 1 | Year 1 Autumn Term: printing and collage Can observe and create a repeating pattern of alternate shapes and/or colours Can demonstrate some control over use of simple printing tools Can mix and apply colour paint with a range of tools to different textured paper and objects i.e. printing blocks Can use scissors mostly accurately to cut out simple design shapes Can use colour vocabulary accurately and start to develop simple texture vocabulary i.e. bumpy, smooth, rough Can make comments about likes/ improvements of designs | Year 1 Spring Term: sculpture, drawing and sketching / colour theory Can make simple joins Can use tools to create texture Can pinch and roll coils and slabs using modelling media Can use simple vocabulary to describe shapes of familiar objects i.e. round, curved, flat, straight Can observe a sketch familiar shapes and objects Can identify, name and mix the primary colours | Year 1 Summer term: drawing sketching and painting Can observe and draw landscapes Can use a variety of drawing tools Can use a range of objects: forks, scorers nail brush, bubble wrap as painting tools Can experiment with weight of line and colour combinations Can use different lines and marks to show movement of objects e.g. dots – snow, dashes – rain, sweeping – wind, wavy lines – heat waves, zig-zag – lightning Can express opinion and colour and mood |
Year 2 | Year 2 Autumn Term: printing, watercolour and seascapes Discuss use of shadow and use of light and dark Can make different tones of one colour by adding white and black Can print with a growing range of objects - cutting or shaping objects to create the shape of their printing block Can create repeating patterns and overlapping and overlaying patterns to create effect Can create their own sample relief printing block - i.e. glue orange slice to cardboard block Can use cutting tools to create printing design on tiles | Year 2 Spring Term: portraits Can accurately observe and draw anatomy (face and limbs) including correct features - two eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Can express and opinion about an artist’s work Can make comments about similarities and differences of artists' work Can shape and from malleable materials from direct observation Can evaluate own work and work of others - saying what they like about it and what could be improved | Year 2 Summer Term: drawing, sketching and sculpture Can sketch to make quick records Can show awareness of natural and man-made forms Can discuss details and textures of surfaces Can add details and texture to drawings Can discuss features of sculptors work Can roll, cut and shape clay into geometric shapes Can join clay surfaces to form 3D shapes Can experiment with tools and surfaces to create texture |
Year 3 | Year 3 Autumn Term: painting, drawing and print Can create a colour wheel Can apply painting techniques - dotting, scratching and splashing Can consider different brushes and tools Can make close observations Can make initial sketches as a preparation for painting Can make patterns on a range of surfaces Can print using stencils and templates
| Year 3 Spring Term: portraits and landscapes Can make accurate drawings of people - particularly faces Can experiment with different pencils Can make initial sketches as a preparation for painting Can draw both positive and negative shapes Can make close observations Can use wet on wet water colour techniques Can use colour to reflect / create mood Can create a sense of movement in drawings / paintings
| Year 3 Summer Term: Sculpture and weaving Can use smaller eyed needles and finer threads Can weave, shape, form, model and construct ( malleable and rigid materials) Can plan and develop Can show understanding of different adhesives and methods of construction Can consider aesthetics Can make patterns on a range of surfaces Can create symmetry |
Year 4 | Year 4 Autumn Term: drawing, designing and tapestry Can use colour for purpose to reflect mood / feeling / expression Can use a wider variety of stitches (running and blanket) Can observation and design textural art Can compare different fabrics | Year 4 Spring Term: Can scale and proportion accurately Can make accurate drawings of whole people including proportion and placement Can Work on a variety of scales Can colour mix and match; use tint, tone, shade and observe colours Can select suitable equipment for the task Can use sketchbook for recording textures/patterns Can interpret environmental and manmade patterns Can use stories, music, poems as stimuli | Year 4 Summer Term: papier-mâché Can select suitable equipment for the task Can plan and develop ideas Can explore surface patterns / textures Can discuss own work and work of other sculptors Can analyse and interpret natural and manmade forms of construction Can use sketchbook for recording textures/patterns Can interpret environmental and manmade patterns |
Year 5 | Year 5 Autumn Term: William Morris - sketching, clay and printing Can create own abstract patterns to reflect personal experiences and expression Can create patterns for purpose Can design prints Can plan and develop ideas Can shape, from, model and join clay Discuss and evaluate own work and work of others | Year 5 Spring Term: Colour theory and frescos Can identify and mix primary, secondary and tertiary colours Can use colour for purpose Can use stories, music or poems as stimuli Can produce increasingly accurate drawings of people | Year 5 Summer Term: 3D drawing Can create the effect of light on objects and people from different directions Can interpret the texture of a surface Can understand the concept of perspective Can draw through observation and imagination |
Year 6 | Year 6 Autumn Term: African sculpture, textiles and design Can select colour to express feelings and moods Can understand the colour vocabulary hue, tint, tone, shades and mood Can explore the use of texture Can create own abstract patterns to reflect personal experiences and expression Can create patterns for purpose Can apply knowledge of different techniques Can shape, blend and join clay adding surface texture Can work collaboratively on a large scale | Year 6 Spring Term: Pop Art Can make accurate drawings from observations Can build drawings of whole or parts using different techniques Can produce increasingly accurate drawings of people Can select colour for purpose Can explore printing techniques used by artists Can discuss and evaluate own work and work of others | Year 6 Summer Term: Still life composition Can understand the effect of light on objects and people from different directions Can demonstrate increasing understanding of perspective Can interpret the texture of a surface |