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C of E Primary School

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Chingford C of E Primary School Music Policy


Chingford C of E Primary School aims to be an inclusive and welcoming school. We are aware of, and agree with the principals of inclusion.


1      Aims and objectives


1.1     Music is an integral part of school life. It is a unique way of communicating that can inspire, motivate and allow opportunity for personal expression. Music reflects the culture and society we live in, and so the teaching and learning of music enables children to understand the world they live in. It also plays a key role in aiding the development of personal and social skills as well as helping children feel part of a community. Besides being a creative and enjoyable activity, music can also be a highly academic and demanding subject. We provide opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music, to develop the skills to appreciate a wide variety of musical forms and to begin to make personal responses to music.


1.2     The aims of Music teaching are to enable children to:

  • know and understand how sounds are made and then organised into musical structures
  • know how music is made using a variety of instruments
  • know how music is composed and written down in various ways
  • develop the interrelated skills of performing, composing and appreciating music
  • explore and experience music from a range of times, places and cultures
  • respond to music through dance and movement
  • sing and memorise simple rhymes and songs
  • name, explore and control a range of percussion and tuned instruments
  • develop simple recorder skills * (Years 3 and 4) introducing and developing an understanding of music notation
  • develop simple ukulele skills * (Years 5 and 6) extending their development of chord mastery
  • Glockenspiels are used as a gateway to confidently understanding the principles of playing a tuned percussion instrument (from Year 1 onwards)

* Covid/seasonal viruses allowing


2      Teaching and learning style


2.1     At Chingford C of E Primary School we make music a practical and enjoyable learning experience for all. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical activities, through which we aim to build their self-confidence. Singing and percussion work are at the centre of our Music teaching. We focus on developing the children’s ability to sing in tune with other people and to perform musical pieces with percussion instruments. Through music making children also work together and learn about structure and organisation. Simple recorder skills are also taught as part of the Year 3 curriculum. *


        We encourage children to listen attentively and to appreciate different forms of music, developing descriptive skills when learning about how music is representative of cultures, feelings and emotions. We teach the disciplined skills of recognising the musical elements of pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo etc. We also teach children how to work alongside each other to compose, make music and perform, combining talents to enhance the experience.



2.2     We recognise that there are children of widely different musical abilities in all classes, so we provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. We achieve this in a variety of ways by:

  • setting common tasks which are open-ended and can have a variety of responses
  • setting tasks of increasing difficulty e.g. in recorder lessons
  • grouping children by ability and setting different tasks e.g. when composing a simple score
  • providing resources of different complexity depending on the ability of the child e.g. when using tuned percussion
  • using teaching assistants to support the work of individuals or groups of children


3      Additional music teaching and musical events


3.1     When possible children are offered the opportunity to participate in a lunch time Music group. This normally takes the shape of a choir, band or recorder or ukulele group. The children then perform at special events and/or venues during the year.


4      Music curriculum planning


4.1     We follow the Charanga Model Music Scheme 2021 which builds upon prior learning. Whilst there are opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge in each unit, the planned progression built into the scheme of work means that the children are increasingly challenged as they move through the school. We incorporate into this a series of lessons relating to projects or concerts with the Royal Opera House and the LSO.


4.2     We carry out the curriculum planning for Music in three phases (long-term, medium-term and short-term). The long-term plan maps the music units to be studied in each year group, while half-termly planning takes place between year groups to outline key objectives and determine cross-curricular links where appropriate (medium-term). Weekly planning for the music sessions details the progression and content of each lesson further, and allows opportunity for assessment. Through this programme of study, we teach the knowledge, skills and understanding set out in the National Curriculum.


4.3      Planning is also mindful of the following three aspects of progress:

  • increasing breadth and range of musical experiences
  • increasing challenge and difficulty in musical activities
  • increasing confidence, sensitivity and creativity in the children’s music making


    1. The class teacher is responsible for keeping individual plans, whilst the Music

           Co-ordinator is responsible for monitoring and reviewing them on a termly basis.   


5      Foundation Stage


5.1     Music is taught in the reception classes as an integral part of topic work covered during the year. We recognise how music contributes to a child’s personal and social development, we use counting songs to foster a child’s mathematical ability and enjoy music from different cultures to increase a child’s knowledge and understanding of the world. Children in the Foundation Stage also work alongside other year groups to enhance their musical experiences and abilities during weekly assemblies, whole school projects and various celebrations.


6      The contribution of music to teaching in other curriculum areas


6.1   English

Music contributes significantly to the teaching of English in our school by actively promoting the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Children develop their language skills through singing songs, with attention to diction, meaning, rhythm and rhyme. They have access to information books and the internet to find out about composers and musicians. Music is also used to stimulate discussion or creative writing. Through working with others in a musical setting, children develop their ability to communicate ideas effectively.


6.2   Mathematics

Music contributes to the teaching of mathematics through the study of musical structure, patterns and processes. Talent in music is often linked with talent in mathematics, as the rhythm and structure of music is mathematically based. Music also enhances learning when facts are recalled through number songs and rhymes.


6.3   Computing

Computers are used in Music where appropriate. Children use computer programmes to compose music. They also use Computing to enhance their research skills through the Internet. Opportunities are also given for children to listen to music on the Internet and to learn how to download or to record their own music making.


6.4   Personal, social, health education (PSHE)

Music contributes significantly to the teaching of PSHE. Through the common goal of making music, children learn to work effectively with other people and build good relationships. Music is the basis of many social activities and has an important role to play in the personal development of many young people. It also has a vital role to play in building self-confidence. Participation in successful public musical performances is sometimes one of the most memorable things young people do at school. Songs also play an important part when recalling facts for learning, e.g. healthy eating songs in Science lessons.


6.5    Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

Listening, creating or performing music can sometimes be a moving and even spiritual experience. We encourage children to reflect on the important effect that music has on people’s moods, senses and quality of life. Children are given opportunities to respond to music from different places and cultures and through their growing knowledge and understanding of the music they can develop more positive attitudes towards others. Music plays a key role in collective worship and assemblies. It is also used to create atmosphere, stimulate thought, calm or excite at various times throughout the day.


6.6     History


       The Charanga curriculum offers many opportunities to make connections and investigate the links between History and Music.


7      Teaching music to children with special needs


7.1     We teach Music to all children, whatever their ability, in accordance with the school curriculum policy of providing a broad and balanced education to all children. Teachers provide learning opportunities matched to the needs of children with learning difficulties, and our work in Music takes into account the targets set for individual children in their Individual Education Plans (IEPs).


8     Assessment and recording


8.1     Teachers assess children’s work in music by making informal judgements as they observe them during lessons. We use this as the basis for reporting progress and pass the information on to parent/carer and the next class teacher at the end of the year.


9      Resources


9.1     Within the school there are sufficient resources for teaching each of the Music units. We have a range of percussion instruments, which are organised and labelled to aid teaching and learning. The library contains a good selection of music books, and computer software is available for children’s individual research.


10     Monitoring and review


10.1   The Music Co-ordinator is responsible for overseeing the quality of teaching and learning in Music. The work of the co-ordinator also involves supporting colleagues in the teaching of Music, being informed about current developments in the subject and providing a strategic lead and direction for the subject in the school. The co-ordinator is also responsible for giving the Headteacher an annual summary report which evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the subject and indicates areas for further improvement. The role also involves the co-ordination of various events and performances, working closely with other key staff members. Specific time has been set aside to carry out the task of reviewing samples of children’s work and visiting classes to observe teaching in the subject.




Chingford CofE Primary School

Kings Road

London, E4 7EY

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