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C of E Primary School

"Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."  (Philippians 2:4)

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Cultural day

We  hosted our annual ‘Cultural Day’ on Wednesday 7th February. On this special day, children took part in a range of activities that enabled them to embrace their own heritage and learn about a range of alternative cultures.

The day was  a non-uniform day as the children were encouraged to wear any traditional clothes that they had at home to represent their family heritage. This year, we  combined our ‘Cultural day’ with ‘World read aloud day’ so we also encouraged children to bring in a cultural book to share with their class.


A highlight of our ‘Cultural day’ over the last few years has been having our fabulous parent/carer volunteers in to read or present something about their heritage to their child’s class. This year, we  extended their involvement even further. Thank you to all the parents/carers who came to school and read stories, taught a traditional dance, gave a  presentation,  demonstrated traditional cooking/taste testing, art or language teaching. You were wonderful! The children learnt so much and had a really informative day!


Chingford CofE Primary School

Kings Road

London, E4 7EY

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