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C of E Primary School

"Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."  (Philippians 2:4)

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  • Parents DIY day at the infant site

    Sat 30 Sep 2023

    Firstly, a huge thank you to Jon Reidy for organising a DIY day at the infant site! Secondly a huge thank you to everyone who came to volunteer! Thirdly, a huge thank you to Oliver Piper and the PA for providing a BBQ lunch for the volunteers! 

    Playground equipment and planters were repainted or re-varnished, a new edge to the flower bed was created, plumbing was repaired, door frames were glossed, the canopy and sky lights were jet washed clean, drains were unblocked, toilets were deep cleaned, bushes were cut back, sheds were repaired and flower beds weeded!

    The sun shone and everyone worked so hard! It has really tidied and cheered the infant site up! If you couldn't help today but would like to donate a plant to the new back flower bed it would be gratefully received! We maybe holding another day very soon (before it gets too cold) to finish off some tasks and to build a sand pit for the children. Look out for details, if you'd like to help!

  • Year 6 First Aid Training

    Fri 29 Sep 2023

    On Thursday, this week, Year 6 pupils received some excellent first aid training from Danny Hyde, a fire fighter stationed at Bethnal Green. They all behaved beautifully and showed high levels of competency, whilst being instructed as to: how to deal with someone who is unconscious; giving CPR and using a defibrillator. 

    Here are some of the children's thoughts:

    Riah - "Very informative, it made me understand how important it is to know what to do in a medical situation."

    Betsy and India - "It is not so scary now, I would know how to react and help someone". 

    Jake - "It has given me life changing skills". 

  • Year 3 Pupil Voice

    Thu 28 Sep 2023

    With the new school year well under way it's time to find out how our Year 3 pupils have adapted to the changes they have experienced since the end of the summer when they moved up to the Junior site after being based at our Infant site in Kings Road for the past 3 years.

    Dev, from 3 Potter class, said the biggest change he'd experienced since leaving the Infant site to come to the Junior site is that there's so many more people in the building. "There's so many children at the Juniors that it's easy to make new friends, especially with children from other year groups," he enthused. "However, it's difficult to remember everyone's name. To be honest, I don't even know every teacher's name!"

    Alexia, also from Potter class, commented, "The biggest change for me is the subjects - there is so much more to be learnt. For instance, in maths the times table and division work is much more demanding. I get along with maths fine but the maths challenge questions are really tough and really make me have to think."

    Oliver, from 3 Bowie class, misses his Year 2 teacher, Mr Blake, very much but is enjoying school under the watchful eye of Mrs McMurray. "It seems a bit stricter at the Juniors but the staff are okay and are particularly helpful to pupils who are struggling with their work."

    Oliver's classmate, Layna, loves the breaktimes at the Juniors saying, "The playgrounds are much bigger and have much more equipment and resources than the Infants. I really like playing on the boat, the climbing wall and the tyre park."

    Whilst our four Year 3 pupils miss life at the Infants it's clear they are finding their feet at the Juniors and are settling into their new environment nicely.


  • Y2 at the juniors!

    Mon 25 Sep 2023

    On Friday 22nd September, due to the flash flood caused by the storm the day before, Y2 had to move to the juniors! They were absolutely brilliant and fitted in, as if they were already juniors! 

    The children can be seen enjoying a 'Jack and the beanstalk' themed Commando Joe's task and a range of maths games.

    Well done to everyone for your resilience and good humour in the face of sudden change!



  • Ella's beautiful claywork!

    Mon 25 Sep 2023

    Ella in Y5 has made a beautiful model of Frank, our school therapy dog. She produced the life like model out of clay and he evens has a moving head! Ella is a talented ceramist!

  • School Games Day

    Thu 14 Sep 2023

    On Wednesday and Thursday this week we held our School Games Day. It was the juniors turn on Wednesday, and today the infant site are thoroughly enjoying a range of activities!

    School Games day is an intra-school competition that takes place between pupils who attend the same school.  It is a great opportunity to try new sports, such as archery, or work as a team to win a tug of war, or build a shelter co-operatively, quicker than another group, and to generally celebrate our school's sporting success!

    We had a brilliant time! Thank you to Miss Watson and Miss Efreme for organising it!

  • It's election time! Calling all new rights Respecting Councillors!

    Wed 06 Sep 2023

    We are very proud to be a Rights Respecting school and Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives.  A  school council can provide a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.

    Experience from schools here and further afield shows that a school council that is supported and nurtured helps to improve many aspects of school life.

    It is an important and useful way for schools to provide leadership and development opportunities for their pupils.  

    Within the school curriculum, one of the key areas making up the ‘Learning for Life and Work’ theme is active participation.  The curriculum requires that young people are provided with opportunities to participate in school and society. School councils are an excellent way in which to increase participation, teaching young people about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability.

    The school council help to make decisions about how the school is run and take on projects that support the children's learning and development, such as organising charity events, representing the school at outside events or ensuring the school is environmentally friendly.

    It was with great pleasure this morning, that Ms Lampard spoke to the juniors (Y3-Y6) about the upcoming Rights Respecting School Councillor elections. A rights respecting school council is a formal group of pupils within a school who are elected by their peers to represent them and their views.

    The election season is open and children may display a maximum of 2 posters around school to promote their ambition to be elected. The Hustings will take place on Monday 18th September, when the children will have to make a speech to their class to persuade them to vote for them. Our ambition is to continue to grow courageous advocates as we have had previously. Ms Lampard asked the children to think big and be bold! What differences do they want to see around school, or even for the wider world?

    Previous RR Councillors led a successful campaign to have the zebra crossing outside the infant school replaced with a safer pelican crossing. They campaigned to have the speed limit reduced from 40 miles to 20 miles an hour outside the infants. Another year, the RR Councillors lobbied the council’s meals service to serve less meat at school dinners across the week to help reduce the carbon footprint. The council adopted this policy and meat free Mondays across all Waltham Forest schools was born!

    In addition to the junior elected councillors, four Y2 children will be chosen to contribute their views. The RR councillors have got some fantastic trips booked to the Town Hall, to City Hall and to the Houses of Parliament as part of learning more about democracy and to see that what they are doing is part of a bigger picture of elected people having a say and listening to others.


Chingford CofE Primary School

Kings Road

London, E4 7EY

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