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C of E Primary School

"Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."  (Philippians 2:4)

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  • Stay and Play Maths Games

    Fri 20 Oct 2023

    Parents/carers were invited to join us at school on Friday 6th and Friday 20th October to learn a bit more about how their children learn about mathematical concepts and how games can help develop their child's fluency with number.

    Reception learnt about subitising; Year 1 investigated the use of a number line for counting on and back; Year 2 played Strike It Out to develop recall of number bonds to 20 and Year 3 used some of this previously taught knowledge to apply it to calculating complements to 100 - playing the game 4 Rolls to 100!

    The focus turned to multiplication and division for years 4, 5 and 6. Year 4 learnt about arrays and their use to visualise multiplication facts, whilst Year 5 took a few journeys across a Gattengno chart and Year 6 used their understanding of multiplication and division to identify factors and multiples. 

    We were delighted to see so many parents and carers join their child/ren to have fun playing games whilst developing number sense and fluency!

  • Back in Time to the Tudors

    Wed 18 Oct 2023 Jonah F and Indiana G (5 Bronte)

    On Wednesday 18th October, Year 4 visited a local historic landmark.

    The Queen Elizabeth Hunting Lodge is 480 years old and it’s right on our doorstep!

    As the children walked in, they witnessed a mock-up of a Tudor feast. There were some very unusual foods such as: a pig head and marzipan!

    Fascinatingly, they were told a very fun fact. Did you know that Queen Elizabeth ate so much marzipan that her teeth went black and it became a popular Tudor fashion?


    To find out a little bit more about their visit to the Lodge, we interviewed Year 4 pupils, Rebecca and Georgia.

    Why did you travel to the Hunting Lodge?

    R: It’s inspirational

    G: We were studying Tudors in our history

    Can you tell me a difference between the Tudor Hunting Lodge and your current home?

    Both: Only royals used a fork (it was difficult to mould the complicated shape out of metal) everyone else would only have a knife and spoon.

    How would you feel if you were hunting at the lodge?

    Both: We are not vegetarian, but we don’t like seeing animals dead.

    Would you recommend this trip for future year groups?

    Both: Yes, it was a great experience and it felt like you were back in the Tudor times. We also got to make our own heraldry coat of arms and two of our peers dressed up in the King and Queen’s royal robes!

  • Cross-country race on the junior field

    Wed 18 Oct 2023

    On Wednesday 18th October, KS2 met on the junior field to hold a cross-country race! It was hotly contended and the results were very close!

    Very well done to Sean and Parker for the boys, and Lois and Gracie for the girls! We are looking forward to racing against other schools on Saturday 11th November on Chingford Plain. This race is organised by Orion Harriers. Everyone is welcome to come along and support our runners. It starts at 9.45am.

    If your child has been inspired by all the cross country running we have been doing this half term you might want to join Orion Harriers, they are a friendly, all inclusive running and athletics club, suitable for all ages and all abilities. Their clubhouse is based in North Chingford right on the edge of Epping Forest, perfect for all types of training runs. They also train on the athletics track at Waltham Forest Feel Good Centre. They have a membership of over 300 women and men aged from 18–86, plus a vibrant juniors’ section aged 8-18 with an additional 300 members. Orion say, "Whether your ambition is to get fit or to compete at events competitively and meet new friends then Orion Harriers is the club for you!"

  • New mural on Infant site unveiled!

    Sat 14 Oct 2023

    We have been tremendously lucky as the Parents' Association have paid to have a beautiful mural painted on the infant site by the artist Annie Hutchinson, or @anniefhutchinson. The mural depicts the UNICEF rights of the child that the infant site children are learning about. Reception are focussing on article 24: All children have the right to be healthy. Y1 are learning about article 28: All children have the right to learn and to go to school. Y2 are studying article 31: All children have the right to play and join artistic and cultural activities.

    At Chingford Church of England Primary we aim to be a school where children’s rights are at the heart of our ethos and culture, to improve well-being and to develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential. 

    As a Church of England school we have a Christian vision that promotes the philosophy of


     ‘"Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."  (Philippians 2:4)


    This inclusive vision permeates every aspect of our school life encouraging excellence, aspiration, care and empathy in all our stakeholders; of looking out not only for our interests, but also the interests of others; in short, of taking care of each other underpins all that we do. 

    Chingford Church of England Primary pupils are learning about their rights by putting them into practice every day.  A Rights Respecting School models rights and respect in all its relationships.


    We are always striving to create the best possible learning environment for our children at our school and this beautiful mural helps us to promote and realise children’s rights and encourage adults, children and young people to respect the rights of others in school.


    You can find out more about the Convention on the Rights of the Child by visiting:



    Wed 11 Oct 2023 Riah M and Emmeline M (Year 6)

    On Wednesday 11th October, Year 6 visited The British Museum on an amazing school trip! Due to the fact that they were learning about The Kingdom of Benin, the main exhibit that they went to see was the history of Benin which included lots of ancient artefacts that they have studied.

    This included many statues of animals that the historic community tamed; the different clothing styles (stitch work, dresses and robes) and sculpted heads of their rulers – Obas – that they worshiped.

    Pupil Lois commented, “The Benin clothing was very different to what Victorian Britain used to wear!”

    Another student – Hasan – stated, “I enjoyed observing the culture and bronzes that they created so long ago.”

    After exploring The African Kingdom, Year 6 journeyed to the Egyptian exhibit and saw the wrapped mummies and the famous Rosetta Stone that helped uncover the truth behind the mysterious language of hieroglyphics!

    “In my opinion, the Rosetta Stone was very fascinating and much larger than I thought!” said Rocco.

    “I thought the encased mummies were really strange but intriguing!” India added.

    Before leaving, the two classes went to the Greek exhibit to see the well-known Elgin Marbles and many other sculptures of the gods and mythological creatures that they had studied the year before.

    Overall, Year 6 enjoyed the museum – not so much the journey, though – and were eager to explore more! 

  • KS1 Cross Country Run

    Tue 10 Oct 2023

    Mr Blake had the pleasure of taking sixteen Y2 children to the Peter May Centre for Cross Country running this week, and he reported back that all of the children represented our school superbly throughout the day. 

    All of our children managed to finish the race, which is a huge achievement in its own right, as it puts a huge emphasis on stamina and tenacity to never give up. We are delighted to announce that four of our boys did win a team medal; all four of them came 9th or better in the race, resulting in their combined score being the lowest of all the competing schools. 

    Well done to all those who took part, and a special mention to Rupert, Niran, Jack and Leo who won a gold medal. Congratulations

  • hello yellow! Tuesday 10th October was World Mental Health Day

    Tue 10 Oct 2023

    A huge thank you to everyone who took part in #HelloYellow!

    This year, along with thousands of incredible supporters across the country, pupils and staff at CCofE came together to stand out and show up for young people’s mental health. By wearing yellow and donating to support the work of Young Minds charity, we helped to show young people that they matter and that they deserve the support they need, when they need it, no matter what.

    Thank you to everyone who dressed up in yellow for World Mental Health day and a special mention to Thomas P in Y5, who took last week’s newsletter at its word, and came dressed as a banana! If you’d like to make a donation to this special cause, here is the link:

  • Tuesday 3rd October was Harvest Festival!

    Fri 06 Oct 2023

    Thank you to all the families who very kindly donated tins and dried food that we are donating to the Food Bank to help others in need. The Food Bank operates out of South Chingford Congregational church every Tuesday from 9am to 11.30am.

    As part of Harvest celebrations we held KS2 Bread making Competition: We had a wonderful selection of bread that was judged on both its look and flavour. The winners were: Eddie, Daniel, Lucia, Jay, Emma and Ellie, very well done! Fr Justin was especially keen to take the lavender and honey bread home after collective worship as he has a sweet tooth for honey!


Chingford CofE Primary School

Kings Road

London, E4 7EY

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